Ep. 06 Accepting The Veto

Being absent for a little bit due to my daily duties of living, a new puppy, working, vacations, setting up our home I woke up this morning with a pulling sensation saying I want to record an episode. So I took the dogs out, made some tea, and sat in the office. It feels really good to be back talking about something I love. This episode is going to be about accepting other peoples comfort zones. Listening to the inner voice in your head and communicating your thoughts with ride partners. Also when you think about it, if you can take the time to dive deeper into life I want you to take this episode and move it other areas of your life also. Listen to your gut feeling. Accept what other people want in a time of uncomfortable need. Be the good guy. Not the asshole. If anyone ever wants to reach out and talk, or needs help with how to go about these conversations, feel free to email me or DM on instagram. Iā€™m always down for meaningful conversations helping people figure things out and pushing to do better and become a better human. With love always. Enjoy Frothers.


Ep. 07 Picking a Partner


Ep. 05 Kicking Summer Depression